Treatments per Age






What is happening?

Your baby’s teeth will begin to erupt between three and nine months old. By age three, most children have a full set of 20 primary teeth.


Possible challenges
  • Teething itself
  • Baby bottle tooth decay (BBTD)
Dental solutions

During this life stage, your baby’s dental care is mainly in your hands and should start even before any teeth are visible. This include cleaning, correct nutrition and baby bottle use.

For more information on infant oral care, click here.


Toddlers and Children
What is happening?

Around the age of six or seven, children begin to lose their baby teeth and the permanent teeth begin to erupt – a stage called mixed dentition. At the same time, the first “extra”, permanent molars will erupt behind the baby teeth molars. By the age of 13, most children will have 28 of their permanent teeth.


Possible challenges
  • Losing baby teeth
  • Cavities
Dental solutions


For more information on dental care for children, visit

Teens and Young Adults
What is happening?

Most teenagers will not have enough space in the jaw for their wisdom teeth to erupt. This process normally takes place between 17 and 21 years old. Teens eat a lot of junk food, which make conditions ideal for dental issues such as cavities.


Possible challenges
  • Gum disease
  • Tooth decay
  • Traumatic injuries
  • Oral piercing
  • Eating disorders
  • Tooth whitening and stain removal
  • Teeth crowding or crooked teeth
  • Cross bites and protruding front teeth
  • Wisdom teeth
  • Mouth guards
Dental solutions


For more information on dental care for teens, visit

What is happening?

Adults are at risk of dental problems – like loss of teeth – they didn’t have when they were teenagers. Good dental care for adults is therefore crucial, which should include regular visits to the dentist.


Possible challenges
  • Periodontal disease – an inflammatory disease that affects the soft and hard structures that support the teeth
  • Dental fillings break-down
  • Grinding teeth and bite irregularities can lead to painful temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD)
  • Changes in female hormone levels –, like during pregnancy, menstruation, menopause and hormonal treatments like contraceptives – increase the way gums react to plaque.
Dental solutions
  • Preventive maintenance and dental care
  • Regular visits to a dentist, especially to curb further damage to teeth
  • Regular visits to an oral hygienist for a professional cleaning
  • Crowns
  • Dentures
  • Root canal treatments


For more information on adult oral care, visit

What is happening?

Seniors start losing their teeth. Around 75% of adults 60 and older, only have a portion of their original teeth.


Possible challenges
  • Gum disease (gingivitis)
  • Tooth and root decay
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Dry mouth
Dental solutions
  • Nutrition, especially monitoring sugar intake and eliminating smoking
  • Proper and regular brushing with fluoride toothpaste, and flossing. This may include using a toothpaste for sensitive teeth
  • Regular check-ups by a dentist
  • Treatments by a dentist and/or regular cleaning by an oral hygienist
  • Dentures
  • Root canals and crowns to restore leaky or broken fillings
  • Bridges
  • Tooth removal


For more information on oral care for seniors, visit